Thursday, May 28, 2009

Seth growing up

Seth keeps getting bigger all the time and not just in size. He's a little boy now and it is fun to watch him discover and play with new objects. He even takes old objects and finds new uses for them.

Of course, with him growing up it means he is hitting the "terrible twos." He is already throwing fits and it is a good day when there is only one or two minor skirmishes. The one place that I am glad that he has given up fighting is bedtime.

It all started about a month ago when he discovered he could climb out of the crib. He always hated going to bed and would demand us to be there in order for him to fall asleep. Sometimes we could indulge him, but not most of the time. Once he could climb out, he could come fetch us and there was little we could do to punish him. (Plus we were a very frightened of him hurting himself.)

Laurie and I sat down to plan a new sleep schedule which includes 30 minutes of getting ready for bed followed by 30 minutes of play time/reading books in the bedroom only. He's not allowed to leave. Once his time is up, we pray together as a family, put him in his crib, kiss him good night, and turn out the lights. Seth really likes this method and has not given us any problems except for the first 3 or 4 nights. He's slowly becoming a big boy.

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